I meet so many people that are gifted, truly gifted and yet they doubt their abilities, or do they disconnect from them?

I have come to learn that gifted souls that question their abilities, the ones that seek clarity from others that they actually do have something spiritual within them, have often experienced some kind of human trauma. This trauma (whatever it might be for the individual) has affected their self confidence, their ability to believe they are able to shine, be seen, help others. In summary the trauma has affected their self esteem.

We are often led to believe that being confident in our skills and who we are is often egotistical. We worry people will think we think too highly of ourselves. Yet it’s never the thought that if we hold ourselves back then who actually benefits?

I am fortunate to have met, worked with and continue to attract changemakers, the gifted souls that were born with their skills. They knew from an early age that their purpose was a big one, they knew they were different. Sure they have often gone down a “normal path” for part of their life but then guess what? They got a nudge from their guides, angels, universe, God (these are all one collective that form Spirit) Sometimes the nudges are small sometimes they shake the human body to the core.

Becoming a lightworker

When I was drawn to look into my gift it was completely to turn it off, I had zero desire in becoming a lightworker, there was no way I saw myself as a changemaker. But that’s not the interesting part, the interesting part is there was nothing within me that didn’t think I was gifted. I KNEW, BELIEVED & ACCEPTED I was gifted. I just didn’t want to be, I wanted to be “normal” to blend in, have a “normal” job live in a “normal” house, go on holiday, enjoy my family, have fun with friends.

Ignoring your gift will not serve you, you will always feel like you missed out on something, that there’s a part of you missing, that you’re not fully you. That feeling is similar to regret and worse than looking back and thinking what if…

The answer isn’t to focus on being positive and building faith with your abilities, the answer is to accept you are a changemaker. Take the first energetic steps which is accepting who you are, then you will be led to heal, take time, evolve, learn, implement, practice, fine tune your way to understanding your true purpose.

Energy and freedom

 Acceptance of you being the gifted you will give you the energy and freedom you seek almost everyday, it will give you the energy and freedom you feel will be at the end of you finding your purpose – in other words the pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow…ever wondered why there never is the end of a rainbow? Because the thrill and excitement of knowing there might be is what keeps you running and looking. Yet the real thrill is spending a moment to be present and look at the colours and beauty that is right before you…

The world needs the gifted you, not the perfect edited version, just you in your realness, your raw magic with the love in your heart and expansion in your soul…

It’s time to see YOU…