
This has to be hands down one of the BEST courses I have ever created…

Welcome to Spiritfesting!


I will take you through five stages to follow to bring in your desires…You can use this to call in money, love, clarity anything your heart desires. The best part is you can keep repeating this process over & over & over again…

 You will be limitless!

 What’s included…

 * Full training explaining what to expect and how this process works

 Then we move onto the action steps & the spiritual practices..

 * Stage one – Is all about setting your desires 

 Stage one – Spiritual practice

* Stage two – Cleansing & releasing to create space for Spirit

 Stage two – Spiritual practice

* Stage three – Activating support from Spirit

 Stage three – Spiritual practice

* Stage four – receive with ease & flow

 Stage four – Spiritual practice

* Stage five – expressing gratitude

 Stage five – Spiritual practice

Click here to purchase Spiritfesting



This course is the leap your angels cannot wait for you to take! The moment I signed up they were as excited as I was.

Life is very busy so having a course that is flexible and focused really helps. You can take the sessions anywhere with you, I did on holiday or you can catch them on replay anytime you like.

My development has come on leaps and bounds. Katie brings such love, experience, passion and joy to each session I come away feeling so blessed and energised.

The course caters for all gift styles you will discover ones you never knew you had. The course provides you with tools for life As you will always have access to the materials and recordings.

Thank you Katie for sharing your lessons learned to enable others on their spiritual journey and for the amazing encouragement you bring. Xx


After a chance meeting with Katie at her Psychic Afternoon Tea Event I realised that I should embark upon trying to understand the strong feelings I have and have had for many years … this led me to Level 1 and then the fabulous Level 2 course … I’m not sure quite how to put into words just how ground breaking this has been for me … finally I have been able to make sense of so many things and now have the tools to develop further … Katie has obviously spent many years understanding her own gift and has such passion in her teaching to spread the knowledge, she is a beautiful … vibrant … fun … generous soul and her happy energy radiates. I would advise anyone who feels they have a gift to take part in this course … it is a gentle step by step way of understanding another beautiful side of life and is uncomplicated and very comforting … genuinely you won’t look back

When starting the course I thought I knew how to read but lacked structure with it. The course has taught me so much more and gave me the belief to continue with courage and compassion. I often struggle with my self esteem when it comes to this type of work as it often feels so intangible and I struggle without results but what Katie has shown is that the results are there and we are the helping hands in producing these results. Katie is positive and offers constant support and guidance and she’s not afraid to be honest with you about it. I’ve loved it and will be sad when it’s over






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