
Soul Searchers -The Bundle

There’s nothing more soul destroying than going day to day working in an industry that’s not lighting you up. You work hard, you have tried various career options but nothing ever feels quite right and you start to feel like a failure. Then the panic sets in, what must people think.

Your friends and family suggest you try to “Stick at something” and have no idea that deep within your tummy you know you’re meant for more. You feel flaky, confused and too nervous to take a leap.

You see others around you having success, looking happy, travelling and wish that was you, you know you have magic within you but the practical human side is reluctant to step out and make the changes needed.

How do I know this?

This was me just 2 years and 4months ago to be precise, I remember someone saying to me “You need to be careful otherwise you will be the Jack of all trades and the master of nothing!” I cannot begin to tell you how much that comment hurt.

I knew my purpose was huge, I knew I was meant for more however I had lost my way. I had put such huge blocks in my own way that an army of angels wouldn’t have been able to shift.

The thing is it isn’t easy to know what your soul purpose is in life, to understand fully what it is that lights you up, to soulfully reconnect to your existing business to enable you to fall in love with it all over again.

During this self study course, I am going to take you through a three part training on how you can…

Its time to grab your life by your guardian angels wings and follow the soul purpose process…


Step one is looking at where you are right now…

In this 60min training we will take you through


Your journey so far

Why its important to uncover your soul purpose

Lets celebrate you

Lets identify who you are

Tap in and look at removing limitations

Lets get clarity

Connect to your spiritual team

Learn how to enjoy the journey

How to continue to move forward

This self study course is hosted on a course platform

for you to access at any time.

Yours for just $55!!!

Let’s get you shifted and tapped into you…


For instant access FOR LIFE click here


For the last 6 months I have been working with Katie Helliwell on her Awaken your Business course and the results I have had since we began working together have been unbelievable. My business was just an infant when we started and I took on board everything Katie taught me. What I love about Katie is you get spirit for free!! She taught me how to connect to spirit so I could have their guidance when I wasn’t in contact with her!! I love my connection!! And it was a Brucey bonus to the course I paid for!! I have now created a global business with so many exciting projects in the pipeline. I would NEVER have been at this stage in my business if I had not leapt in alignment. I very quickly manifested the money I needed to invest in myself to work with Katie, and it felt so right, not a single doubt or worry ever crossed my mind. I am now on track for my biggest months in business! Thank you so much Katie and spirit.

Where have you been all my life, Katie? The first time I saw Katie on FB live, her energy got me and within a couple of hours had booked her for a business session with Katie and spirit.  I love the specific and practical guidance from Katie and her spiritual team; from website, routines, pricing, just to name a few; so much amazing information in our one hour session. I’m so excited as I’ve got clear guidelines to work with.  I’ll be checking in with you soon again Katie. I love Katie’s support and energy and can highly recommend her.

have been working with Katie for the last 6 months and oh my word. It’s so hard to put into word what she has done for me and my business. Working with Katie and spirit is incredible as you get Katie’s strategic mind and the love and support from spirit. Katie has helped me develop new idea, supported me in growing my clients, my audience and suggested other ways of helping my clients. Plus you get the added bonus of spirit (and Katie) telling you when to slow down, how to help your mindset, what to do to improve your day, time and prevent overwhelm. It has been incredible working with Katie and I have made a true friend for life. I now have the tools to use myself; connecting to spirit, building my business and launching new ideas. Love you Katie and spirit. Thank you so much

For the last 6 months I have been working with Katie Helliwell on her Awaken your Business course and the results I have had since we began working together have been unbelievable. My business was just an infant when we started and I took on board everything Katie taught me. What I love about Katie is you get spirit for free!! She taught me how to connect to spirit so I could have their guidance when I wasn’t in contact with her!! I love my connection!! And it was a Brucey bonus to the course I paid for!! I have now created a global business with so many exciting projects in the pipeline. I would NEVER have been at this stage in my business if I had not leapt in alignment. I very quickly manifested the money I needed to invest in myself to work with Katie, and it felt so right, not a single doubt or worry ever crossed my mind. I am now on track for my biggest months in business! Thank you so much Katie and spirit.

Where have you been all my life, Katie? The first time I saw Katie on FB live, her energy got me and within a couple of hours had booked her for a business session with Katie and spirit.  I love the specific and practical guidance from Katie and her spiritual team; from website, routines, pricing, just to name a few; so much amazing information in our one hour session. I’m so excited as I’ve got clear guidelines to work with.  I’ll be checking in with you soon again Katie. I love Katie’s support and energy and can highly recommend her.

have been working with Katie for the last 6 months and oh my word. It’s so hard to put into word what she has done for me and my business. Working with Katie and spirit is incredible as you get Katie’s strategic mind and the love and support from spirit. Katie has helped me develop new idea, supported me in growing my clients, my audience and suggested other ways of helping my clients. Plus you get the added bonus of spirit (and Katie) telling you when to slow down, how to help your mindset, what to do to improve your day, time and prevent overwhelm. It has been incredible working with Katie and I have made a true friend for life. I now have the tools to use myself; connecting to spirit, building my business and launching new ideas. Love you Katie and spirit. Thank you so much

“Working with Katie is like working with your best friend. She has such a beautiful heart and believes in you so much it is hard to not believe in yourself.

With spirit as your cheerleaders and guides the transformation can happen so quickly. Katie will take you step by step and has no secrets, she shares exactly how she got to be successful so that you can move quickly too (if that’s your goal of course). Everytime I have a call with Katie I feel soooo excited for what we will cover, each time is different but each call just makes you feel as though you can take on anything. 
I would highly recommend this course. I will be internally grateful that I followed my inner guidance and took the leap. This course was life changing and I adored it so much that I have decided to work with Katie again to help unleash more magic.
Thank you for all you do Katie ❤💜
I booked a power hour with Katie in March and the session was just amazing. Katie covered all the blocks I was experiencing and gave me new ideas about how to grow my business and how to step into my full power. I was so energised and inspired by the session with Katie that I instantly converted into a 1:1 private client to continue my powerful transformation.
I now work with Katie on a private 1:1 level for nearly 2 months and she is such a perfect fit as my business and spiritual coach. She anticipates what I really need both personally to up level and in my business to help it grow. She has her eyes and her expert opinion on everything that I put out and I feel so fully supported by Katie and Spirit.
I highly recommend Katie as a business and spiritual coach. She delivers over and above every other coach I have ever worked with.
You are the best Katie and I love working with you,



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