It’s amazing when you have a baby how you start to remember your own childhood, they say with every death there is a birth and when I found out I was pregnant with Jess I also lost my dear Grandad.
He was an amazing man and always made time for me and all the other grandchildren. He used to take me to a duck pond close to where I live now and we would spend hours up there talking about nature and life.
My legs would ache walking around but I used to hang on his every word, he was fascinating. He taught me to never settle for anything in life, strive for more, travel and always be smartly dressed.
As I pushed baby Jess around the same pond telling her the same things I was surprised to find it took only 20 minutes to walk around, it made me smile.
My grandad is now one of my guides and takes his role seriously, I never feel frightened connecting with spirit as I know he along with the others are watching over me. I also believe he helps me write these blogs, when I was around 19 years old he gave me his beautiful fountain pen. I didn’t really understand at the time but now I know it was a gentle nudge.
Life was quiet on the spirit front, I was reading lots of books, Doris Stokes was my favourite, she was such a gorgeous lady, I felt very connected to her and everything she said resonated with me. I was also fascinated with Chakras and how you can connect to them. During meditation I would slowly open them up.
Mr H and I got engaged, I was delighted and we excitedly started to plan our wedding, I knew exactly how I wanted it and became slightly obsessed with the planning. We took Jess on a family holiday to Ibiza it was nice to have a break from wedding plans but I felt really odd, I knew I was pregnant. Mr H didn’t believe me so I sent him to the pharmacy and one pregnancy test later confirmed my suspicions.
Something about pregnancy enhances my gift, the connection to spirit is so strong I could read for anyone and everyone. Sat in the hospital waiting for baby scans I knew the sex of everyone’s bumps. News of my gift got out at Jessica’s nursery and after a few readings I was suddenly inundated with requests. The connection to spirit was so clear, people were so pleased and I felt delighted I had helped so many.
Five days before my due date I woke up with awful tooth ache, I have never felt pain like it, Mr H and my mother in law took me to the dental hospital. En-route I was having contractions, but paid no attention as my tooth pain was far worse. The dentists confirmed the pain would subside with the birth and we set off home. The contractions became more regular and as we pulled onto our drive I saw an old ladies face pressed to the car window. I screamed and my mother in law said “what was that?” she had felt a gush of wind and it had knocked her back in the car seat. I described the woman and my mother in law confirmed it was her mom, Mr H’s nan who had sadly passed away before I had met her.
I went into the house and my waters broke!! I knew Mr H’s nan was trying to warn me to stay in the car the baby was coming…….