
I often hear from my followers “Isn’t it weird, I was asking for direction in my job and then an amazing opportunity was presented” or “I had this urge to reach out to this person and then they invited me to an event and I met the most incredible guy”

My response is no it’s not weird that’s spirit guiding you, we as humans question everything, want proof that our desires are on their way and a full plan exactly how and when it will all happen. Spirit chuckle as they simply don’t work like that.

All the coincidences and opportunities that occur are them gently showing or in some cases nudging us in the right direction. So when I had the urge to throw all my energy into network marketing, I had no idea where it would take me but I knew I had to be part of it. I surrendered and knew in my heart I was heading in the right direction.

My new found business venture was not greatly received by everyone. People were shocked, rolled their eyes, unfollowed me on social media. I was very surprised by who supported me and who didn’t. I was not phased I was a woman on a mission, I read every training book, watched every video, attended live events, trialled almost all products and got to work.

I met the most incredible people two of them I am proud to call my closest friends. I am proud to say one of the two is Sarah Morgan my business bestie. I always admired her and liked how open and kind she was.

I spent so many hours researching how to build a business online, how to grow your target market, how to demonstrate products. I LOVED it and was convinced my family would be travelling with me all over the world whilst I worked two hours a day.

I had completely forgotten about poor spirit, I was receiving phone calls daily. People wanted readings, but no I referred them to someone else!!!

My enthusiasm was there but sadly the customers were not. I started to feel silly for ignoring spirit and closing off from other opportunities.

The fear of failure had crept back in, what do I do? How can I be successful? Help me spirit help!

The sentence I remember saying to them was “ If you help me now I will never leave you guys again”

The truth was they hadn’t gone anywhere this was all part of their master plan. It wasn’t a coincidence I had learnt everything I had learnt. It wasn’t a waste of time or money.

Spirit work in mysterious ways and it’s only now I can see just how mysterious they were…